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About Calmuni |
January 18, 2025
California Municipal Statistics, Inc. (Calmuni) was incorporated on
December 30, 1932. Over the past 80+ years, Calmuni has built and
maintained an extensive California municipal database and has secured
a reputation for accuracy and reliability. Calmuni focuses
exclusively on California local agency debt obligations and the
underlying credit information pertaining to them.
Subscription Service
The Calmuni Subscription Service provides thorough coverage of the
California municipal market with weekly mailings of new issue reports,
annual updates and daily telephone support. In addition, Calmuni
subscribers now have unlimited on-line access to Calmuni reports
through E-Muni on the Internet.
The Subscription Service covers a wide variety of California local
agency obligations secured by taxes, assessments, general fund
covenants and specific revenue streams:
General Obligation Bonds
Lease Revenue Bonds
Certificates of Participation
Tax Allocation Bonds
Mello-Roos Act Bonds
1915 Act Assessment Bonds
Sales Tax Revenue Bonds
Enterprise Revenue Bonds
Click here to obtain information on subscribing to the Calmuni Subscription Service.
Financial Advisory Support
Calmuni provides a variety of services and products to financial
advisors, underwriters and bond counsel to aid in the preparation of
official statements. In addition, many public agencies utilize
Calmuni for help in the preparation of their Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report. Every effort is made to meet the specific needs and
production schedule of the client. Included products and services:
Direct and Overlapping Bonded Debt
Largest Local Secured Taxpayers
Historical Assessed Valuations
Historical Tax Levies and Delinquencies
Tax Rate summaries
Assessment District parcel summaries
Land Use Analysis
Continuing Disclosure
The same services and products prepared at the time of sale are
available for purposes of continuing disclosure. Calmuni provides
customized support for financial advisors, bond counsel, disclosure
counsel and issuers to help facilitate ongoing continuing disclosure
Research and Analytical Services
Calmuni provides in-depth contractual services for both public and
private sector organizations. The Calmuni database is as flexible as
it is extensive. Research and analysis can be easily tailored to meet
the needs of the client. Among the services provided include:
Market share analysis
Credit analysis by sector
Portfolio credit evaluation
Revenue forecasting
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